Course Outcomes
✔️ Name the primary benefit of antigravity righting reactions to body COM (weight) shifts in daily function.
✔️ Name the three planes of acquisition of antigravity muscle function and control in the neck and torso in sequential order.
✔️ Name the most fundamental component of motor development.
✔️ Relate postural alignment to somatosensory input from loaded joints and segments.
✔️ Describe the relationship between postural control and the acquisition and functional limb use.
✔️ Compare the status of sensory processing in typically developing children to that of children with hypotonia and cerebral palsy.
✔️ Describe the physiologic effects of massed practice of balance and movement skills on the developing musculoskeletal system.
✔️ Explain Sahrmann’s attention to muscle recruitment strategies in the management of muscle contractures.
✔️ Explain Sahrmann’s focus on shortening the dominant muscles and using them in their shortened state before attempting to lengthen the shortened, dominant muscles.
✔️ Apply one principle from each of the sciences discussed in this program to the use of TheraTogs systems designed to improve functioning torso alignment in daily life.