An Engaging, Hands-On TheraTogs Fitter Lab
Designed to build upon the principles and strategies pertaining to aligning the torso in the sagittal plane, you'll identify and address factors at the hip joint and femur that can contribute to altered foot progression angle (FPA) in walking.
You'll learn to execute precisely three musculoskeletal assessment procedures undertaken to quantify hip medial and lateral rotation range of motion (ROM) and femoral torsion.
And under your instructor's supervision, you'll perform strapping applications addressing persistent pelvic retraction, intoed and out-toed gait, and stance-phase hip stability.
Within two weeks following successful completion of the lab sessions and exams, you'll receive a Certified TheraTogs Fitter – Level 2 credential.
PRE-REQUISITES: You must have successfully completed the didactic session of Pediatric In-Toeing and Out-Toeing Management for Neuromotor Training, including having passed the didactic examination. And you must earn your TheraTogs Fitter Level I certification.