Schedule a Clinician Consultation with

Billi Cusick, PT, MS, NDT, COF/BOC

Get to know Billi and her areas of expertise, experience, and pediatric management approach

A Personalized Clinician Consultation with Cusick

Since 1993, Billi has been consulting and practicing privately near Telluride, Colorado. In addition to her private practice, she devotes most of her professional effort to generating literature and educational materials, teaching, and developing therapeutic products, including her invention, TheraTogs systems — customizable physical rehabilitation systems that are worn under the client's clothing to address neuromotor, orthopedic, and postural conditions in children and adults.

She focuses on optimizing functioning alignment and sensory input in daily life and in between therapy sessions, particularly of the trunk and feet. Her approach to managing children with neuromotor dysfunction implements the normal planar sequence of acquisition of movement components to gain postural control as a foundation for movement acquisition. 

In addition to a training/travel schedule that takes her all over the world, Billi has established the Cusick Center for Learning, a repository of on-demand and live online training resources. 

Her preferred management modalities include optimized orthoses, targeted training, TheraTogs systems, Turtlebrace braces and tuning and posting materials, and below-knee serial casting. (Note: serial casting training is a 35+ hour lecture-and-lab course, and is not offered during your consultation.) 

Time slots are limited!
Step One

Complete A Form

You have two ways to complete and submit this form: (1) Download and fill out the Consult Screening Form. Once completed, you'll email it to the address noted at the bottom of this form.

(2) Complete the form below and then click on the send btton.

You must submit this form with your appointment request; we will not consider your request until we've received this form.

Consult Screening Form

Request Billi Cusick Clinician Consultation
Step Two

Request A Consultation with Billi

Follow this link to request a consultation. This link will bring you to Billi’s scheduler webpage, showing her availability for potential clinician consultations. Using the online calendar, choose your preferred consultation duration and date.

Note: All consultation requests must be approved by Billi before they are considered active on the schedule.

Step Three

When Consultation is Approved, Submit Documents and Resources

When your appointment is approved, you’ll receive a confirmation email that includes a link for secure payment of the $50 appointment deposit. Your deposit payment confirms your agreement that we may charge the same credit card for the balance of the consultation fee, once the consult is concluded.  

The confirmation email also includes a link to a unique and confidential Dropbox location that you will use to submit any resources needed to support the consult. Depending on the topic and intention of the consultation, requested resources may include:

— Caregiver authorization form for sharing client-specific information, videos, etc.

— HIPAA policy acceptance form

— Photo(s) or video(s) of a specific or representative client or treatment session

— Standardized testing scores or other outcomes measurements

Any required resources must be submitted to the Dropbox folder by the cancellation deadline, which is two weeks prior to your scheduled consultation.

Editor’s note: The ambiguity of the requirements reflects the assumption that some consults may not be about a specific client, but rather about further learning or other objectives - in which case, none of the bullet items above would be required.
Billi Cusick wearing a headset and colorful blouse, smiling during a Zoom consultation call. This image highlights one of Billi's professional services, offering virtual consultations to support clinicians in pediatric therapy and motor development strategies.
Zoom Billi Cusick Clinician Consultation
Step Four

Attend Your Consultation via Zoom

At least two days prior to your consultation, you’ll receive a Zoom link via email. Please join the consultation session five minutes before your designated start time. This will allow us to work through any technical issues so that your booked consultation time with Billi remains intact.

Follow-up Billi Cusick Clinician Consultation
Step Five

Follow-Up Post Consultation via Email

After your consultation ends, you’ll receive any promised deliverables associated with your consultation.

Provide Feedback Billi Cusick Clinician Consultation
Step Six

Tell Us How We Did

Let us know how your consultation went by completing the online evaluation form; we’ll include the link in your follow-up email.

An Alternative Option

Clinical Excellence Online

Become a Clinical Excellence Online member for $19 per month to gain access to an online one-on-one consultation with Billi or any of her esteems collegues: Susan Blum, Sarah Clayton, Susan Hastings, Mary Massery, Esther de Ru, or Pia Stampe.

In addition to 1:1 consultations, you have access to a growing library of videos showcasing experts discussing clinical cases that relate to real issues you may be struggling to address with your clients.

Cancel your membership anytime.

What is CEO exactly?

CEO makes clinical analysis and problem-solving with world-class experts more accessible and affordable than ever before by giving therapists a virtual team of experts.

If you’ve ever wished for:

✓ one-to-one sessions where you get to discuss your specific, individual clinical case with a leading expert;

✓ practical and personalized clinical guidance that helps fill in the missing ingredient you’ve been seeking;

✓ a learning environment that moves beyond theoretical or abstract ideas so you can learn from others based on a current client’s specific needs; and

✓ the ability to search through a library of clinical insights and conversations using keywords.